I have been asked to enter some of my works into a special showing at Avera Hospital in Sioux Falls. It is called,
"Paint the Night Pink Art Showcase and Fashion Show" and it is a fundraiser for the Avera Cancer Institute to be held on October 22nd. It has been quite a process to get ready, to enter, and to be chosen. I do many pieces, finish very few and frame even fewer, as many are just put in a closet. I would like to try to sell some of my pieces, but have not found the avenue to get that done.
To be accepted, I had to submit images of artwork to be considered, and I had to give sizes, dimensions and medium for each piece. Some pieces may be sold and if that is something I wish to do, I need to come up with prices.They asked for complete artist information as well as Artist Statement. A brochure will be made up with all of this information to be given that evening. It is a meal and fashion show and art show. Sounds wonderful to me! AND we are encouraged to go PINK!!!
If you are interested in attending or finding out more about the event, you can look at
http://www.averathinkpink.org/and search for Paint the Night Pink Event.

Another option is to contact Larry Crane at 605-271-9877 or larry@perspective-inc.com
I just made this in October, specifically thinking of cancer and the journey with my mom. It is called "River of Tears". The blue through the middle is my "river" and if you look closely at the bottom, you will see the tears. As in many of my pieces, toward the top, you will see regrowth and life after the sorrow!
My precious preemie grandsons were born 2 lbs. 3 oz and 2 lbs. 14 oz. Exactly at the time Mom was nearing the end of her life, these two were fighting to live, and live they have! They are soon to be 6 and in Kindergarten!
"Rejoice Always"- a collage of photos of Braylyn and a flowergirl dress she tried on!
"Tulips" in the courtyard at my school. It is not such an "institution" as some may think.
Taken at a nursing home as I visited. This woman was in her room swaying her arms to the music playing on her TV. I asked her if she should sing with me. She sang every word of every song in her book of songs with large print. She is singing to the Lord-my life verse, Psalm 104:33. I will sing to the Lord all my life. I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
The pieces above were NOT chosen, but I did have 3 pieces chosen to be entered into the event. I am pleased and honored to have been chosen.
The pieces I will have on display at "Paint the Night Pink"are pictured below:

This is an original photograph backed with handmade paper in an 8x10 frame
It began with a flowergirl dress hanging in my hallway.

Watercolor 17x24" I take pictures of tulips. I paint tulips. They live on in my work long after the blossoms fade and fall.

Acrylic Painting, "Life Goes On" 17x23"
Many of my pieces have this dark, dark time and then the regrowth. Here, the renewal energy comes from bubbles or flowers or blossoms....you may choose what you believe they may be!
My statement follows:
It is my belief that an artist cannot know who he will reach with his work. The artist cannot know what his work may mean to those who are being healed, those who are suffering fear, loss or sorrow, as well as those who are experiencing immeasurable joy! The artist can only create, offering what they can to the journey. We can each walk through life without seeing, without looking at the details, the words, the colors, the pictures….or we can stop a while and look, listen, reflect and enjoy. I believe that through paintings and photos, one can travel more easily through this journey of life we are all traveling. Pictures touch human behavior, feelings, ideas, sorrows and joys. I have learned to be so observant, to not just look, but really SEE! I am so blessed by this gift each day, and I believe it is a gift made to be shared. –Carol Childress